Yesterday we took a trip to Melb, went and looked at the Myer Christmas windows which i think is now our family tradition. Miss and I loved the little dancing ballerinas. We also checked out Harbour Town and DFO, got a few Christmas presents which was good. Harbour town was so great, right in the middle there was a massive sandpit with heaps of buckets and spades and playground equipment, so Andy sat at the cafe and watched the kids while reading the paper and ordering drinks, while i shopped! Whoever came up with that sandpit idea...brilliant!
So I finally finished the quilt the other week. I just kept putting off doing the binding, it seemed like it would be so hard, but it actually turned out alright. Theres a few squares in the middle that are wonky, some would say it adds character but to me it's just really annoying. Of coarse any quilter would be horrified at the way it's slapped together but considering I havn't used a sewing machine since high school I was quite proud of the finished product. Miss loves it, ''I'm so happy to have my own quilt''. Her words not mine.
I really like the old retro stools, i found one once at the oppshop for $2, I thought it was such a great and rare find but since then I see then I've seen heaps of them around. It's like when you here a strange word and then over the next few days you hear that same word heaps. Weird.
Anyway I just cut a piece of material and attacked the bottom of the stool with the staple gun. Easy.
It's not a crystal ball...just some tea light candels in a bowl.
Yesterday arvo the kids and i made a tent in the lougeroom, it was very exciting. They played in it all afternoon and fillled it with their pillows and every cushion in the house.
Aunty H and Aunty L came over for tea so we all squeezed in the tent, all 7 of us, and ate mini pizzas and then chocolate mousse and icecream straight from the tub. Everyone grabbed a spoon and dug in. We even told the kids they could sleep in the tent, but they thought that was a silly idea and said they had to sleep in their own beds. My husband and i couldn't believe it, if we were kids we would have been nagging my mums to let us sleep in there.
Later there was a game of Settlers of Catan, which is the no.1 boardgame around here and has been for over a year now. I wonder if the craze will ever wear off. We even have a Catan torniment for our playgroup fundraiser with a trophy and everything. You can tell from the hands in the photo that my husband and sister are having another argument as usual, thats their favourite thing to do when they see each other. Anyway if your into strategy games, it's the best.
I have been hand making some Christmas presents over the last few days, which obviously I won't put photos of on here until after Christmas. My little niece's present is coming along nicely, it's so good I would like to keep it myself. Oh i love everything about Christmas, the true story of our saviour Jesus Christ, the trees and decorations, the pretty lights, the loads of party's with friends and family, the presents, and unlike many people i even like the carols playing nonstop everywhere you go, as well as wrapping presents.
I can't seem to take non blurry photos on our camera at the moment. Dodge.
I like the idea of drawing ordinary objects or rooms in the home and turning them into pieces of art. I'm also working on a tea cup and saucer drawing.
We spent the long weekend on the NSW coast with our huge extended family. Good Times.
I couldn't believe it the other day when i walked into the oppshop and found this leather foot stool. The detail and patterns are so cool. You know when you find something that you love and you know it's going to be one of those things you will keep forever. No matter how many times you move or have a clean out you will always keep it. This foot stool is one of those things.
Also found a great little makeup bag, perfect size for a girl that only has about 5 things in her makeup bag. And a Kids Cake book, the kids looked at it and talked about every cake in the book for a very long time on the very long car trip home.
Fresh white paint can do wonders to an old chair. Warning: White paint can get a little addictive, it looks so clean and fresh you could paint every piece of furniture in the house, but later you might regret it, or you might not?
I found this plate at the oppshop a couple of days ago which is now in the pile with all the other mismatch plates that i love and use. I just have to bring out all the matching ones when my family come over, because they would be horrified at the thought of eating off an oppshop plate. My Mum and i are so close, but when it comes to style you couldn't get more opposite! It's great.