It's not a crystal ball...just some tea light candels in a bowl.

Yesterday arvo the kids and i made a tent in the lougeroom, it was very exciting. They played in it all afternoon and fillled it with their pillows and every cushion in the house.
Aunty H and Aunty L came over for tea so we all squeezed in the tent, all 7 of us, and ate mini pizzas and then chocolate mousse and icecream straight from the tub. Everyone grabbed a spoon and dug in. We even told the kids they could sleep in the tent, but they thought that was a silly idea and said they had to sleep in their own beds. My husband and i couldn't believe it, if we were kids we would have been nagging my mums to let us sleep in there.

Later there was a game of Settlers of Catan, which is the no.1 boardgame around here and has been for over a year now. I wonder if the craze will ever wear off. We even have a Catan torniment for our playgroup fundraiser with a trophy and everything. You can tell from the hands in the photo that my husband and sister are having another argument as usual, thats their favourite thing to do when they see each other. Anyway if your into strategy games, it's the best.
Will is impressed with the tent set up.