Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Found the pair of these retro cabnits on ebay for $12.50 each, thought they'd be great in the kids rooms. The girls one we gave a makeover with some contact I had hanging around. And still deciding what to do to JT's.

I spy little miss peeping through the bars..

Today we had a big spring clean one day early.
Playschool = Nanna Nap....when i woke up i was lying on the ground and the kids had put a blanket over me, and the smell coming from the kitchen was awesome. My gorgeous husband was wipping up some MasterChef scones, and it seems he likes my apron as much as i do. Doesn't he look cute...

Monday, August 30, 2010


Oh how i love the sunny spring days like today, and all the pink and white blossoms around.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My Dad and brothers got back yesterday from a two week missions building project in Thialand. Dad bought me back this wallet....which is so funny, he said 'it jumped out at me'. And I love it!

One thing I never get sick of is my coloured beads, just about every colour to go with any outfit, mostly from the oppshop.
Hey since when did oppshopping become thifting??

Monday, August 23, 2010

Work in progress

Vintage wallpaper coasters, idea thanks to beachvintage, I love her blog.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


I love wallpaper! One day I will have a house with wallpaper everywhere. But for now i just have this 70's green one in the lounge.

Im always inspired by the wallpaper everytime I watch my all time favourite movie 'Anne of Green Gables.' Incase you were wondering this is the part when she is crying because she dyed her hair black and it turned green.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day Out

If you ever have an odd thong, now you know what to do with it.
This pic could make a cool painting...

Wondered the old shops, went to the park, checked out the boats, and McCafe of coarse.
A skinny caramel cappacino please..

Finally fell to sleep..

On the way home we saw the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen! The photo is so not as good as it looked in real life. So other than the sooking and crying and the smashed plate at Maccas...it was a perfect day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Roses & Spice

When i got home the other day, awaiting me was a bunch of roses with a welcome home card Miss had made and the house was spotless! Oh my husband is the best.

I have been scowering the oppshops for a while now looking for a good size spice rack, not to big, not too small. And yesterday....bingo.

And I found these cute little owls that weigh a tone and a jar with it's very own knitted cover.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Mum, little miss and i went on a road trip to our cousins house for the week. It was so great to see everyone! Our week consisted of talking and going out for coffees. Was very nice indeed.
Got back last night, little miss was the perfect baby sleeping for pretty much the entire 7 hours in the car.
The country side up there is amazing, to live near mountains and the beach, what a dream. Except for the car sick part on the windy roads, you'd think i would have grown out of it by now. Below is the white house around the corner which i love.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cake and Dolls

My Grandma passed this recipe down to my mum and my mum passed it down to me....
so it's special...to me.
Gotta love adds, my favourite is the libra one.

Another garage sale bargain ...a big bag of dolls clothes. Missy was very happy.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Outdoor Room

We have a small deck area outside our lounge room which i want to make into a little outdoor 2nd lounge for when the weather warms up. These are inspiration pics, although it won't be so classic or beachy. But I'm going for the white cane furniture because I like it and it never dates.

This morning i went garage saleing with my bro inlaw and sis inlaw to be. It was a mission. Found lots of cool stuff including an old church arch mirror and a cane chair which will be going out on the deck. The chair cost the whole of $2. It wouldn't fit in the ute with the bbq bro in law bought from the most ridiculous garage sale ever! lol. So we tied it to the roof with a bit of hay bale twining. Surprisingly it made the journey home.

Was also thinking a hammock might be cool. My first kiss was in a hammock.

Lighting and candles are a must!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Around the house

Framed old record covers make cheap and quirky art work, they hang above my piano. They were all level, when we moved into this house my dad hung them up for me. Then i pulled them down to paint and well... my attempt at getting them level isn't quite as good.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Yesterday felt like the longest day ever, not sure why but time seemed to slow done for a day. Which was great, because normally a day goes way too fast. I looked at the clock and was amazed when it said 11am, because i had already got the four of us (me and the kids) dressed and ready, cleaned up the house, walked down the street, gone to the supermarket, had a look around the oppshop where i found these cool pot holders and an old lime tea pot. As you can tell, I love lime green. And we had a play at the park. Got home and fed Little Miss (6month old) and put her to bed. And the whole time we were taking it pretty easy.

My aprons that are hanging on the pantry door.