Yesterday felt like the longest day ever, not sure why but time seemed to slow done for a day. Which was great, because normally a day goes way too fast. I looked at the clock and was amazed when it said 11am, because i had already got the four of us (me and the kids) dressed and ready, cleaned up the house, walked down the street, gone to the supermarket, had a look around the oppshop where i found these cool pot holders and an old lime tea pot. As you can tell, I love lime green. And we had a play at the park. Got home and fed Little Miss (6month old) and put her to bed. And the whole time we were taking it pretty easy.

My aprons that are hanging on the pantry door.
hi steff, love your blog-love reading aboput the GK's -you and Tor love the same things-good thing you are no longer competing for the same op shop-susan