Monday, March 28, 2011

There at the right time...

So heres a little story...

I got my Real Living Mag last week, and I was very excited for it's arrival as I am every month. Anyway the exact same vintage retro canisters I have were in the mag which was pretty cool and I realised i was missing the biggest canister out of the set. The red flour one. A couple of days later i was wondering around savers (secondhand superstore) and sitting down on the bottom shelf all by it's self was the red flour canister!! Can you believe it, the exact one I was missing from the set I bought a couple of years ago, I wonder if it really was the original one to my set, maybe they got parted for some reason and have now found each other again. The family is back together.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to throw up with jelousy about the wonderful opshops I miss. You would not believe how much a set like that sells for in Melbourne.
