Monday, September 13, 2010


JT and I made some rumballs yesterday, Miss went to a friends house after church. I hadn't made them for years. Oh the childhood memories....I used to make them all the time when i was younger so i could lick the left overs of condensed milk and eat a heap of the mixture as i went.
Also my whole kitchen was brown, the cuboards (as you can see on the one open), the tiles and the benches, it was very dull. But with a tin of green paint and white tile paint I now love it. The tile paint is awesome, they look like brand new tiles. I used it in the bathroom too.

Last night after watching the X factor i had a go at using water colour paints. This is suppose to be me and my husbands feet. I have worn chucks for years and years, and he always said they weren't his style, but now they're in fashion he's totally into them.

Girls will even make something pretty in the sandpit...and boys will be boys.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, the shoes are brilliant-you are before the times -what else is going to come into fashion that you already have?Susan
