Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Around our home

Oh i love the day when my real living mag comes in the mail and i can sit in the sun, with a coffee and read it from front to back, but today i had to sit on the heater duct instead because there was no sun coming through my lounge window at the usual time.

Last night my sister and i had a platter movie night. We've been into the movies we watched as kids, who doesn't like a good blast from the past. Last week we got the Mighty Ducks movies and last night we watched Honey I shrunk the kids, my husband got home from basketball in time for the second screening of Honey I blew up the kid. So corny, but we had a good laugh.

We once had a spare bedroom, then it was an office, and now it's my art studio. It's so great to have a space all set up to do art anytime, on the floor i have black and white checked piece of lino, so i can drip paint everywhere and it does even matter Above is my mood board and below is my piles of material.


  1. My father has a picture of that curtain that he took and he printed it out to put in the photo albums!!!
