Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Simple Art

It's fun painting small simple canvases, that don't take too much time or thought, inbetween painting big artworks that take hours and hours. These are to sell at a shop, sip and pamper night at our church on friday night.


  1. hi steph,

    lovely blog and great art work!

    Im working in an art gallery on saturdays at the

    moment which is loverly...surrounded by art all


    Id love to commission a couple of those little

    canvases for the girls if you have time, just let

    me know how much they are.

    love nic ( cous )

  2. hey nic,
    thanks. working in an art gallery would be cool.
    do you have a blog? or are you on fb?
    the paintings are $20 or 2 for $35
    just let me know what you want
    love steph
